2024 (wit Lisa Hoffmann and Jann Lay): "Large-scale agricultural investments, employment opportunities and communal conflict," Journal of Politics. Accepted for publication.


2024 (with Christian Gläßel, Felix Haass, Adam Scharpf): "The Political Effects of Witnessing State Atrocities: Evidence from the Nazi Death Marches," Comparative Political Studies. Online first.


2024 (with Felix Haass, Carlo Koos, Sascha Riaz, Thomas Tichelbäcker): "War and Nationalism: How WW1 Battle Deaths Fueled Civilians’ Support for the Nazi Party," American Political Science Review, 118 (1), 144-162.


2022 (with Carlo Koos, Miquel Pellicer, and Eva Wegner). "Can reconstruction programmes improve political perceptions in conflict contexts? Evidence from eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo," South African Journal of Economics, 90(4), 427-455.


2021 (with Felix Haaß and Jan Pierskalla): "The partial effectiveness of indoctrination in autocracies: Evidence from a natural experiment in the German Democratic Republic,” World Politics, 73(4), 593-628.


2021 (with Eva Wegner and Miquel Pellicer): "Preferences for the Scope of Protests," Political Research Quarterly, 74 (2), 288-301.


2021 (with Niklas Hänze): "Climate and Cohesion—The Effects of Droughts on Intra-Ethnic and Inter-Ethnic Trust," Journal of Peace Research, special issue "Security implications of climate change", 58 (1), 151-167.


2021 (with Carlo Koos): "Survey Participation Effects in Conflict Research," Journal of Peace Research, 58 (4),  623-639.


2020: "Heterogeneous Effects of Development Aid on Violent Unrest in Post-War Countries – Village-Level Evidence from Nepal," International Studies Quarterly, 64 (1), 168-182.


2020 (with Jan Koehler and Kristóf Gosztonyi): "Conditional Effects of Aid on Political Perceptions – Mixed Methods Evidence from North East Afghanistan," European Journal of International Relations, 26 (3), 793-819.


2020 (with Jan Pierskalla and Elisa Schwarz): "Natural Disasters, Aid Distribution, and Social Unrest – Micro-Level Evidence from the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal," World Development, 126, 104715.


2020 (with Tim Wegenast): "Climate, Food Riots and Adaptation: A Long-Term Historical Analysis of England," Journal of Peace Research, 57 (2), 265-280.


2020 [book review, not peer reviewed]: "Undoing the Revolution: Comparing Elite Subversion of Peasant Rebellions. By Vasabjit Banerjee. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2019," Perspectives on Politics, 18 (2), 664-665.


2019 (with Eva Wegner): "Social Inequality, State-Centered Grievances, and Protest – Evidence from South Africa", Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (1), 31-58.


2019 (with Carlo Koos): “The Historical Roots of Cooperative Behavior—Evidence from Eastern Congo,World Development, 116, 100-112.


2019 (with Jan Pierskalla and Max Montgomery): “The Territorial Expansion of the Colonial State: Evidence from German East Africa 1890-1909,British Journal of Political Science, 49 (2), 711-737.


2017 “‘Traditional’ Institutions in Land Conflicts – Determinants of the Persistence of Pre-Colonial Dispute Settlement in Burundi,” Comparative Political Studies, 13, 1835-1868.


2017 (with Jan Pierskalla and Fabian Krautwald): "Constructing the State: Macro Strategies, Micro Incentives, and the Creation of Police Forces in Colonial Namibia," Politics & Society, 45 (2), 269–299.


2016: "Extraction and Violent Resistance in the Early Phases of State Building - Quantitative Evidence From the “Maji Maji” Rebellion, 1905-1907", Comparative Political Studies, 49 (2), 291-323.


2016 (with Jan Pierskalla): “Civil war violence and political trust: Microlevel evidence from Nepal,” Conflict Management and Peace Science, 33 (1), 67-88.


2016: "Auswirkungen von Gewalt auf Religion: Eine alternative Perspektive auf innerstaatlichen „religiöse Konflikte“", Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Sonderband 1, 266-293.


2015 (with André Bank): “The Ba‘thist Blackout? Geographical Distribution of Regime Cooptation and Violence in the Syrian Civil War,” Journal of Peace Research, 52: 91–104; awarded the Nils Petter Gleditsch JPR Article of the Year Award 2015.


2015: “Long-Term Ecological Change and Geographical Patterns of Violence in Darfur, 2003–2005,” Political Geography, 45, 22–33.


2015 (with Jan Pierskalla and Johannes Vüllers): “The Pacifying Effects of Local Religious Institutions: An Analysis of Communal Violence in Indonesia,” Political Research Quarterly, 68 (2), 211-224.


2015 (with Andreas Hasenclever): "Framing Political Violence: Success and Failure of Religious Mobilization in the Philippines and Thailand," Civil Wars, 17 (2), 201–221.


2015: “Intra-Religious Conflicts in Intra-State Wars,” Terrorism and Political Violence, 27 (4), 762-780.


2015 (with Jan Pierskalla): “Manpower to Coerce and Co-opt—State Capacity and Political Violence in Southern Sudan 2006–2010,” Conflict Management and Peace Science, 32 (2), 175-199.


2013: “Devolving ethnic conflicts - The role of subgroup identities for institutional intergroup settlements,” Civil Wars, 15: 1, 78-99.


2009: “A Pact with the Devil? – Elite Alliances as Bases of Violent Religious Conflicts,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 31: 12, 1120-1135.


2009 (with Andreas Hasenclever): “Das Framing religiöser Konflikte – die Rolle von Eliten in religiös konnotierten Bürgerkriegen,” Politische Vierteljahresschriften (PVS) 43, 178-208.


2007 (with Andreas Hasenclever): “Grasping the Impact of Religious Traditions on Political Conflicts: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Perspectives,” Friedens-Warte, 2-3, 19-47.